Why dating single parents is the best

Picture the scene: you’re at a beautiful home with the person you are growing to love. An open fire is burning with the occasional snap, while an Etta James record crackles seductively in the background. The first bottle of wine is almost gone. You feel complete. Happy. Sexy. You catch each other’s gaze and move... Continue Reading →

Back to school blues

Today is a big day in the Dating Dad household; it's back to school day. The day when I pack my children off with their shiny new lunchboxes and polished shoes to go back into school after the long summer break. Of course, this year it's been longer than most summers as it started way... Continue Reading →

Time to talk to the kids about racism

The US is on fire right now. Literally and metaphorically. The murder of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis shocked the nation to the point of action, with millions joining overwhelmingly peaceful protests across the country which have been used by their government to justify brutal responses from "law enforcement" officers. People are being... Continue Reading →

A bit of a break

Time for a midweek parenting tale to break the monotony of dating posts, with "break" being the operative word. I've led a fairly charmed life when it comes to serious injuries. Until I started playing Australian Rules Football in my twenties I'd never broken a single bone in my body. Even now, all I've done... Continue Reading →

Introducing my kids

When I started this blog years ago it was intended to track my thoughts about dating and not really all that much more besides. I'd never done it before, and needed to find a way to process things without paying for a therapist. The title for it sort of popped into my head out of... Continue Reading →

Hurry up and meet her, Dad!

Recently I was lucky enough to go to New Orleans for work. We headed out there early, spent a few days doing tourist and culture stuff (ie drinking heavily) before doing a little work (and more drinking). Meant that I didn't see my kids for a little longer than normal, and so when I returned... Continue Reading →

Parental Logistics Suck

I used to joke that my first child changed everything, but after that the rest were simply a matter of logistics. It's sort of true; the first time you do it, everything about your life changes. You go from only being responsible for yourself to having another human life entirely and utterly dependant upon you.... Continue Reading →

Travelling with kids

I've recently returned from our first ever family holiday abroad. Back in the day we never had enough money to go away, but thanks to an extra commission payment I decided to go right ahead and do it. What's that? You think it was instead an excuse to blow my ex's trip to Butlins out... Continue Reading →

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B Single in Style

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Married-divorced-soon to be married again Dad of 2. Navigating an unconventional yet brilliant life! | Instagram @blendeddad.uk | Twitter @BlendedDadUK |

New Girl Bianca

Dip into my thoughts here...

Lucy Goes Dating

Adventures in Singledom

Just A Small Town Girl...

Just your average 32 year old diagnosed with E.W.S. at birth... AKA Excessive Writing Syndrome :)

Dating Diaries of Average Joe

Dating Tales, Trials, and Tribulations of your everyday Average Joe


till next time, my lovelies

Girl Rebuilt

My personal diaries on failing at love miserably & the lessons on love addiction that rebuilt me. Please click Follow.

Just Plane Points

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The Mingling Momma

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A Dating Dad

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